Workover engineer

Job specification

1. Responsible for engineering technology management, organize the implementation of technical measures and operating procedures.

2. Responsible for inspection and maintenance of well control equipment. Responsible for well control management and well control technology training;Responsible for filling in and checking well control data;Be responsible for training well control exercises and well control capability assessment.

3. Responsible for the inspection and management of well entry tools, joints, internal blowout preventer tools, weight gauge, instruments and meters;Be responsible for measuring and registering the number of drilling tools, tubing and well entering tools on site;Responsible for running string configuration.

4. Responsible for the collection, collation and analysis of all materials of the drilling team, and filling in the engineering well history and related statements.

1. Have certain production organization management ability and strong mandarin and English language expression ability.

2. Healthy and able to adapt to the physical requirements of this position

3.Bachelor degree or above